Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff (middle row center) attended the games, saying it was an honour to witness the youth participate, and an inspiration to see the support of parents, coaches and the many volunteers in Cowachin, BC.
Aug 12, 2008
Congratulations to EDN Athletes!
The Eastern Door and the North (composed of Cree, Mohawk, Innu and other First Nations Youth in Quebec) were honoured today at the closing ceremonies and received an honorary award called the John Fletcher Spirit Award which is presented to the team that best demonstrates the spirit of teamwork, fair play, respect, and integrity throughout the competition. Congratulations to the Eastern Door and the North!

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff (middle row center) attended the games, saying it was an honour to witness the youth participate, and an inspiration to see the support of parents, coaches and the many volunteers in Cowachin, BC.
Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff (middle row center) attended the games, saying it was an honour to witness the youth participate, and an inspiration to see the support of parents, coaches and the many volunteers in Cowachin, BC.